

Krystaline Add 1 - Aditivos impermeabilizante para hormigón
Krystaline Add 1
Krystaline Add Plus 2.5 - Aditivos impermeabilizante para hormigón
Krystaline Add Plus 2.5
Krystaline Add 1 CW - Aditivos impermeabilizante para hormigón
Krystaline Add 1 CW
Krystaline Ultra


Our concrete admixtures are manufactured based on Krystaline’s C-S-H technology. Currently, it is the most effective system for waterproofing structures. Thanks to it, we obtain a more durable and sustainable concrete.


  • Improves cement hydration.
    C-S-H technology improves the cement hydration process, allowing for more C-S-H hydration products (gels and crystals) to form in the voids and capillaries of the concrete.
  • Maximum protection.
    Concrete admixtures manufactured with Krystaline technology provide significant resistance and high protection against any aggressive chemical agents such as sulfates, chlorides and also agents responsible for the phenomenon of carbonation.
  • Greater resistance.
    The concrete admixtures promote its ability to resist freezing and thawing processes and drastic temperature changes.
  • Great response to high hydrostatic pressure.
    By incorporating Krystaline admixtures, concrete is able to withstand very high hydrostatic pressures.
  • Greater strength.
    The technology allows for concrete with significantly increased compressive and tensile strength.
  • Self healing.
    Certified to self heal cracks of up to 0.4 mm.


Aditivos para impermeabilizar hormigón - Krystaline
Water penetrates initially through pores and capillaries
Aditivos para impermeabilizar hormigón - Krystaline
Krystaline activates creating insoluble C-S-H hydrates
Aditivos para impermeabilizar hormigón - Krystaline
The improved hydration continues
Aditivos para impermeabilizar hormigón - Krystaline
Dry concrete


There is a large number of professionals in the sector who are already using these admixtures for reinforced concrete. Engineers, architects, specifiers, project owners and consultants have verified the effectiveness of the technology. They all agree on the same points, working with Krystaline’s C-S-H technology provides:

  • Sturdines
    Krystaline admixtures have been used in projects with very demanding environments and have provided excellent results.
  • Reliability
    The passage of time is less of a problem for buildings or structures that contain these types of admixtures. The life of the concrete is greatly improved.
  • Reduces risk of human error
    According to statistical reports from the sector, approximately 70% of buildings suffer water leaks due to failed waterproofing. These types of situations usually end up requiring the execution of the liability policy. If you want to avoid similar problems, the ideal is to opt for secure technology.


  • Tested performance.
    The performance of the system is guaranteed. Products have been tested thoroughly by external laboratories and active quality controls are implemented.
  • International certification.
    On the other hand, our technology has international certificates that guarantee its effectiveness in many different environments and concrete mix designs.
  • Technical suitability document (DIT PLUS).
    Our waterproofing system complies with the technical suitability document No. 649p/20 (DIT Plus) certified by the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC).

The best thing about our concrete admixtures is their extreme flexibility, they can be used in a lot of different environments where effective waterproofing is necesary.

  • Places with high water tables.
    Such as areas near the coast, and other locations where there is abundant groundwater.
  • Coastal areas.
    Buildings in coastal areas are highly susceptible to water ingress and chemical attacks. Our technology provides protection on multiple levels in this situation.


  • New construction projects.
    Choosing the correct waterproofing system during the design phase, that will provide the highest security for each particular project, will result in much higher durability.


  • Below grade structures.
    The entirety of the below grade structure. Basement slabs, footings, below-grade walls and other structural elements of the foundation.
  • Other structures.
    All water-retaining concrete structures such as swimming pools, water treatment plants, potable water tanks, etc.