

  • A penetrating CSH Technology crystalline waterproofing slurry.
  • Is used to waterproof existing concrete.
  • Penetrates and forms crystals and gels that fill the natural pores and voids of the concrete, permanently blocking the access routes of water and water-borne contaminants.
  • It is applied as a surface coating, but unlike traditional coatings and membranes it does not merely form a barrier. It penetrates into the concrete substrate turning it waterproof.
  • Coverage: 1.5 kg/m² applied as a single coat*
  • Coverage: 0.8 kg/m² and 0.7 kg/m² applied in two layers*

*Coverage may vary depending on the conditions of the substrate.

Krystaline 1 - Mortero para impermeabilizar el hormigón


Reparación de hormigón aplicando el mortero impermeabilizante
Wet untreated concrete
Reparación de hormigón aplicando el mortero impermeabilizante
Krystaline 1 application
Reparación de hormigón aplicando el mortero impermeabilizante
Penetration starts until concrete is dry


  • Stops water ingress into concrete
  • Replaces unreliable membranes and surface coatings.
  • Once the product penetrates, it is not affected by surface wear or abrasion.
  • It reactivates in the presence of humidity.
  • Waterproofing improves over time.
  • Highly effective against both positive and negative pressure.
  • The treatment can be applied to new and old concrete.
  • Suitable for use in contact with potable water
  • Resistant to the freeze-thaw cycle.
  • Protects reinforcing steel against corrosion.
  • Increased durability reduces building maintenance and repair costs.


  • Foundations
  • Basements and parking lots
  • Tunnels and pipes
  • Marine works
  • Elevator shafts
  • Concrete walls and slabs
  • Construction joints
  • Hydraulic structures
  • Swimming pools
  • Water treatment plants
  • Desalination plants
  • Channels
  • Potable water tanks


Krystaline 1 takes advantage of the natural hydration capacities of concrete by enhancing the development of C-S-H crystals and amorphous gels within the cement matrix. Over weeks and months, the amorphous crystals and gels expand to naturally fill the pores and voids of the concrete’s microporous structure, permanently blocking the entry ways of water and waterborne contaminants. Subsequently, if cracks form due to settlement or shrinkage, the incoming water triggers the hydration process and additional crystals and gels begin to grow, filling the cracks and ensuring the maintenance and protection of the structure’s waterproofing barrier.

Krystaline 1 replaces surface coatings, as the concrete itself becomes the waterproofing barrier and the surface treatment does not need to remain intact for the system to be effective. Krystaline 1 is supplied in powder form and only needs to be mixed with water before application.

Krystaline Dry - Mortero para impermeabilizar el hormigón
Krystaline Dry
Krystaline Block - Mortero para impermeabilizar el hormigón
Krystaline Block
Krystaline Block F - Mortero para impermeabilizar el hormigón
Krystaline Block F
Krystaline M60 - Mortero para impermeabilizar el hormigón
Krystaline M60
Krystaline Plug - Mortero para impermeabilizar el hormigón
Krystaline Plug